An ultra-modern city-state, Singapore is squeaky clean, with the world's second-busiest shipping port (crucial for the economy), and a shocking number of shopping malls.
We originally planned to traverse Indonesia (from Timor to Aceh) with no airplanes, but plans are what make the Gods laugh. We flew from Jogyakarta, Java to Singapore (then on to Sumatra) for three reasons: 1) To renew our Indonesian visas (necessary as we only get 30 days per renewal). 2) To make up time because we were behind schedule (Indonesia is gigantic, and we plan to meet a friend in Thailand next month to go overland to India via Myanmar). 3) To explore Singapore!
With just a few days in the city, what does one do? 1) Spend as little money as possible because this place is expensive (the cheapest hostel room to meet our minimum standards cost about 80 dollars). 2) Eat street food which is quite delicious. 3) Go for long walks in air-conditioned shopping malls, 4) Do not buy anything in the consumer frenzy. 5) See the new Planet of the Apes movie on the big screen (highly recommended). 6) Watch people (and laugh at their peculiar habits), because Singapore has a great mix of cultures. Anyway, that's what we did.
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